There's this great misconception on SW that Playstation exclusives tend to have bad gameplay. It is a very toxic misconception as it prevents gamers on other platforms to get a PS and experience some of the greatest games ever made. A tragedy! It's easy to see how this misconception started. You see the amazing production values of games like Uncharted and God Of War and so you think to yourself "If the presentation is this great, they must be bad at something else. They must be bad at gameplay." Not so! It's possible to be great at both!
Uncharted: Fantastic lighthearted shooter with great mobility! You smoothly run around the arenas like a squirrel. It seamlessly blends stealth, shootouts and melee. Easy to control which means the systems work just as well on a moving train as when jumping between cars in a convoy.
Spiderman: Very competent brawler of the Arkham variety. Everything in the game feels just right. Web-swinging has the right momentum, brawling is snappy and simple fun!
GoW: Feels much heavier than Spiderman, but just as great. The feel of combat matches Kratos grumpy personality perfectly! Anyway, it's not just a great feeling combat system. It offers you lots of options and it's important to think a bit strategically on the higher difficulties.
Horizon Zero Dawn: The most innovative of the bunch because of its enemies. Using the right weapon against the right robots is key to dismantling them. Scouting and preparation is also important for the more difficult fights. Laying out the right elemental traps etc. So much to tinker and experiment with.
Bloodborne: Haven't played this one truth be told. But I hear it has the best gameplay of them all.
So yeah there you have it! Playstation exclusives stand out because they are so fun to play! Great gameplay feel, snappy controls, polish and a large mechanical toolbox to play around with, are some of the qualities I associate with PS-exclusives. Can't with for Tsushima and TLOU2!
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