Well, its really no surprise that the PS3 has 2011 in the bag. It already proved itself on major gaming sites winning with both graphics and best software lineup this year. The Xbox has been living off COD and DLC, the PC has been depending on more console ports that don't take advantage of the hardware being given, and the Wii fad has been abandoned in exchange for the upcoming WiiU. All these factors all contributed to the PS3 overtaking the competion once again. Now with that being said, bring on 2012's Last Gaurdian, Twisted Metal, PS Vita, The Last of US, and StarHawk:cool:
Then why have i bought zero PS3 exclusives in 2011 ?
And why did 360 sell 2x the PS3 numbers in November ?
Also 360 has the best shooter in 2011, Gears 3 and the best version of Skyrim, Crysis 1-2 and Dark Souls
These alone make PS3 irrelevant in 2011 for me, it has not got a single game i would care at all about the whole year
also Gears 3 and Crysis 2 look a generation ahead of the jaggies in Uncharted 3, 360 has far surpassed PS3 in visuals as well
Even Wii was a huge lot better than the mediocre PS3 game lineup in 2011, with Zelda SS beeing a 100x better game than anything PS3 came up with
For PS3 to have 2011 in the bag, it first has to be able to actually run games like Skyrim, have graphics like Gears 3 and sell 2x better, because people clealry prefer xbox 360 by miles, with double or triple sales than PS3 in holiday
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