I am happy to. I enjoyed playing Ori that you listed, but being through out the school year I had more access to my PC then X1 I finished it on PC. Yes on Steam, but I cant run it on my $400 dell running Linux for some reason, isn't that peculiar? Only running Windows.............But I know that doesn't mean anything in the System Wars world. Then I jumped all over Fast and Furious for FH2. Now I admit, I haven't watched an entire FF movie since part 2 because they are absolute shit imo. Great cars, hot girls, so what. I'll play games for the cars, watch Porno for the girls, I am too old to get excited over Hollywood shyte. Game is fun, and free when I downloaded it. Of course there are the multis which are the least in resolution but I can buy those on, again, my PC which runs Windows and dump on consoles if I so wish to.
Now. This fall? I wont be buying Uncharted collection or Gears Ultimate. I still own 2 PS3's and all 3 Uncharted games. Gears 1&2 are ALREADY on the BC list for X1. So I will wait for that to roll out and just play them without having to hook up a console to my HDTV because what I have is going to handle it.
Halo 5. At this point you either hate, or love it. I love it. Comics, novels, movies (Nightfall was weak as hell) and games. Thank you MS. Forza6: I like Horizon games so I doubt I'll buy this but one never knows. Rise of the TR: as soon as I can buy it, I will. I loved the last, see no reason to wait for the next since I can play it.
On my PS4, I have gotten Bloodborne which should be a GOTY contender. The Witcher 3 is my GOTY at this point, on PC but nonetheless. And The Order 188shit. The game was a chore to finish once. It's an easy platinum but I don't think I can go through again. Nothing else on PS4 can swing my limited gaming funds away from the X1 buys which I forgot to mention includes Fallout 4 (free F3 with it). There are MGS5, Arkham Knight which I will go PS on. Enjoy your second half shewguy or whatever.
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