Has Nintendo won the white house race?
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This is the state of US politics. Angry Grimice using dank memes to discredit shit in a tracksuit.
This is why the rest of the world laughs, America.
Hillary Clinton Gets in On 'Pokémon Go'
Her campaign is planning a Poké Stop meet-up.
Hillary Clinton may be a closet Pokémon Master.
The presumptive Democratic nominee's campaign unveiled an event in Ohio centered around playing "Pokémon Go" and learning more about the former Secretary of State.
[SEE: 'Pokemon Go' Has Turned D.C. Memorials Into Hunting Grounds]
"Join us as we go to the Pokestop in Madison Park and put up a lure module, get free pokemon, & battle each other while you register voters and learn more about Sec. Hillary Clinton!!!" the event page reads. "Kids welcome!"
It's worth noting, however, that there are a couple of problems with this: First, all Pokémon are free to capture, so "free pokemon" is an oxymoron.
[READ: Pokemon GO Has Everyone Exercising]
Second, the app does not allow players to "battle each other" yet – they can only vie for ownership of Gyms, which requires there to be a Gym in the area. The event does not specify whether this is the case.
Still, the campaign is hoping their use of the game to get out the vote will be super effective. In a speech in Virginia Thursday, Clinton mused that "Pokémon Go" may get more Americans to cast their ballots:
Clinton mentions Pokemon Go on the trail: "I'm trying to figure out how we get them to have Pokemon Go to the polls"
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) July 14, 2016
The elections are gonna be so funny. I'll order a pizza and watch the clusterfuck from Canada laughing :>
This is the state of US politics. Angry Grimice using dank memes to discredit shit in a tracksuit.
This is why the rest of the world laughs, America.
both candidates are ass i agree. but the US is a world power and will continue to be so. not really all that funny to laugh at.
@Mario1331: There's lots to find funny if you can laugh at yourself. Like the land of the free having the highest incarceration rate.
This is the state of US politics. Angry Grimice using dank memes to discredit shit in a tracksuit.
This is why the rest of the world laughs, America.
Or it might be that everyone hates both of them and choosing between them is a meme in itself.
@darkspineslayer: I could care less what the rest of the world thinks as you are all being invaded by isis at the moment. Maybe you shouldn't laugh at Americans. We can still arm ourselves and defend our families if need be. Not cowed to communist elites who are more interested in virtue signalling their progressive brownie points than taking care of their own constituents. Just look at treadou... uggh.
@darkspineslayer: @darkspineslayer: With more freedom comes more ability to commit crime.. In Europe people are too scared to say anything for being in volation of some speech code law. Hell I seen articles on people getting arrested for saying "meely mouse response" on twitter after a jihadist attack.... I'll take our dangerous freedom over a nanny communist state any day!
Well now it maybe different in the UK... soon. They got out of the bloody EU and can make their own laws again. Self determination and national sovereignty are beautiful things. Now the poor people may have a chance to find work as they bring industry back.
Hillary not being in prison right now is laughable. Anyone else but a Clinton would be.
@Jag85: As I said, Nintendo won the White House!
Whoever wins, Nintendo wins.
Good point.
Whoever wins... Pokemon GO has already been used as a tool in both campaigns. Furthering the game's already massive publicity.
Pokemon GO has entered politics, a field where few games have gone before. EVE Online has spurred some interest among academics. But Pokemon GO has had real world consequences, both good and bad.
@NathanDrakeSwag: "Hillary not being in prison right now is laughable. Anyone else but a Clinton would be."
Spot on, and pretty funny add actually.
@Jag85: As I said, Nintendo won the White House!
Whoever wins, Nintendo wins.
Good point.
Whoever wins... Pokemon GO has already been used as a tool in both campaigns. Furthering the game's already massive publicity.
Pokemon GO has entered politics, a field where few games have gone before. EVE Online has spurred some interest among academics. But Pokemon GO has had real world consequences, both good and bad.
The last time a video game entered presidential politics was over three decades ago:
Ronald Reagan’s Pac-Man Joke
”Someone told me it was a round thing that gobbles up money,” Reagan said. ”I thought that was Tip O’Neill.”
@darkspineslayer: I could care less what the rest of the world thinks as you are all being invaded by isis at the moment. Maybe you shouldn't laugh at Americans. We can still arm ourselves and defend our families if need be. Not cowed to communist elites who are more interested in virtue signalling their progressive brownie points than taking care of their own constituents. Just look at treadou... uggh.
More than 30,000 Americans are killed by guns every year... Europe has its fair share of problems, but it ain't nowhere near as bad as 'Murica.
@darkspineslayer: they have problems, like any other country. I just dont see why people attack it so much here. There are way too many law enforcement deaths, BLM is a good start but some of the people in it are asinine, the list goes on and on and on. What im getting at is, for years since i have been coming here. people feel the need to ALWAYS attack America. This has nothing to do with you per say but i just dont go around making fun of EU with the whole Brexit thing. That whole continent is going to be royally fucked. Idk im just ranting. But the US indeed has problems. Im not even voting.
@darkspineslayer: I could care less what the rest of the world thinks as you are all being invaded by isis at the moment. Maybe you shouldn't laugh at Americans. We can still arm ourselves and defend our families if need be. Not cowed to communist elites who are more interested in virtue signalling their progressive brownie points than taking care of their own constituents. Just look at treadou... uggh.
More than 30,000 Americans are killed by guns every year... Europe has its fair share of problems, but it ain't nowhere near as bad as 'Murica.
To compare a whole continent to a country is well. silly. The whole Europe combined has more problems(failing currency is failing FAST) or will have worse problems when Brexit happens.
Again im not here to defend America because i really dont have too. But as this continues throughout the years. its getting old and it seems like it jealousy.
IMHO if you dont live here. you wont know what problems we have. The Internet can only tell you so much.
Again im not here to defend America because i really dont have too. But as this continues throughout the years. its getting old and it seems like it jealousy.
Yeah, that's logical. Clearly after nobody bought the incoherent ramblings of the other paranoia fuelled doomsday preper trump voter, they must be jealous. They want all your freedom. Let's just forget how asinine that is, and that about 90 countries in the world enjoy freedom. They're jealous. How many mass murders have happened since the OP was made? Forget it! Jealous!
I'll give you that whole "guns don't kill people" thing. But holy shit is that disingenuous. It's basically this shit.
IMHO if you dont live here. you wont know what problems we have. The Internet can only tell you so much.
Yep. Nobody can figure this shit out. There are few mysteries in the world as great as the lost city of Atlantis, how the pyramids were built, and what the **** is up with America.
Has Nintendo won the white house race?
this game has nothing to do with Nintendo. They didnt make it, they didnt publish it, even the dev said Nintendo played no role in it.
@darkspineslayer: so we are going to ignore the failin currency in EU? Also Brexit? Those problems are just as bad. If you dislike America thats fine. I like it. It has its problems like every other country. No point on spewing more hate this world already has. Idk where you are from but almost positive if i was to know it will have problems just like everybody else. It isnt that serious, your comment was literally a reaction to all the people not from america who always have something to say....its old.
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