Actually... this one is so damn debatable that I'm just going to keep track of games myself, because five options definitely isn't enough for judging a game on an artistic level.
Current generation only, of course ;)
I'm voting for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. The sense of dreariness and oppression is beyond any game I've ever played, which is a great thing for such a game!
Total Votes:
- Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl - 4
- Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit - 1
- Uncharted - 1
- Mass Effect -2
- Patapon - 1
- Folklore -4
- Team Fortress 2 -17
- Lost Winds - 1
- BioShock - 10
- Eternal Sonata - 6
- Blue Dragon - 2
- Mad World - 1
- Super Mario Galaxy -14
- Super Paper Mario - 1
- World of Warcraft - 1
- Viva Pinata - 1
- Kane and Lynch: Dead Men - 1
- Senjou no Valkyria - 5
- Okami (Wii) - 5
- Halo 3 - 8
- Little King's Story - 1
- Lost Odyssey - 1
- Gears of War - 1
- Crysis - 1
- Ratchet and Clank: FTOD -3
- Metal Gear Solid 4 - 4
- Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - 1
- Dead Rising - 1
- Viva Pinata - 1
- Guild Wars - 1
Your turn ^^
Update: The clear winner, so far, appears to be.. TEAM FORTRESS 2
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