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The majority here can play Halo 3, Crysis can be played by a small amount, and even at that, the full game isn't released yet. I have the full game though, and I have Halo 3 and I can say that so far Crysis' single player is better.
Oh and scores aren't there for comparing when it's two different systems they're on.
Well I can't even play Crysis so I obviously have to go with Halo 3 lolganon546
My old pc can play crysis on High@30fps. X1950
[QUOTE="Big_Black_Eyes"][QUOTE="ganon546"]Well I can't even play Crysis so I obviously have to go with Halo 3 lolBattleer
My old pc can play crysis on High@30fps. X1950
Well good for you, not everyone has x1950's sitting in there "old" PC.I know, I don't even have one in my "new" PC.I'm as much of a Lemming as I am a Hermit and I have to say that so far, I have enjoyed Crysis a lot more. I am currently on 2/3rds of the way through and I've beaten Halo 3 so so far it would seem Crysis is better.
I'll be honest, Halo has just gotten old to me. After playing essentially the same multiplayer game for years upon years, I was somewhat already tired of Halo before Halo 3 came out.
Crysis on the other hand is a hugely revolutionary game in so many ways.
GS called it one of the best FPSs ever for a reason..........
You guys are using the GS review way too much, its nice that GS threw the PC fans a bone, but please make it last.
For single player, Crysis may be better, but over all its still Halo 3, sorry PC fans, you built yor rigs for nothin.Re5ident_EvilOh for the most AAA, AA titles and exclusives? :lol:
GS called it one of the best FPSs ever for a reason..........
You guys are using the GS review way too much, its nice that GS threw the PC fans a bone, but please make it last.
What oh Halo 4 might be better? :lol:Ahh console fanboy damage control.
[QUOTE="htekemerald"]And I played Halo 6 years ago.I played farcry 3 years ago, Halo 3 wins by a mile
Haha, owned.
I haven't got my copy of Crysis yet so I'll say Halo 3 for nowBig_Gamer_Al
You actually got a copy of Crysis coming? I just saw you ripping on the game before.
this poll might as well be labeled "shooter fanatics" vs. "hermits, cows, sheep, and lemmings who hate halo but bought axbox for the western rpgs.Big_T-Mac
this same poll was done half a year ago with a Halo 3 winning by a small obviously either Halo 3 didnt meet expectations, or Crysis went beyond them....probably a little of both.
Crysis is not going to be one of those games that sell well initially but it is definitely going to push hardware, I'm talking about unprecedented numbers of people upgrading.DaysAirlinesConsidering that 13-14 million high end and very high end DX10 video cards were sold lat year, you would be surprised.
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