I'm happy with all of them EXCEPT open world / sandbox RPG's. Skyrim and Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition specifically. We all know by now that once the save file gets to a certain size in Skyrim you have to reboot periodically due to frame rate drops. Not too big a deal at first, but play long enough and you'll get to the point where you're rebooting it every 15 minutes.
I bought FO: New Vegas day 1 and don't remember any appreciable frame rate drops. Fast forward a year or two and I buy the ultimate edition with all the DLC on it. Apparently with all the DLC loaded onto the hard drive once you get to about 40-50 hours playtime you get similar frame rate issues to Skyrim. Kind of weird considering all the DLC content happens outside of the main map.
What do both of these games have in common? Bethesda. What was Bethesda's response to the PS3 audience? "We already got your money so you can sit on it and spin."
Skyrim has the benefit of the doubt, but with every passing month with no PS3 specific patch hope is growing dim. The FONV Ultimate Edition situation is inexcusable. The game's been out for what, 2 years?
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