With compelling devices on the way from Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo, gamers will soon be bombarded with all kinds of crazy new tech. Hands-free gaming, improved motion-sensing, 3D on a handheld -- it's enough to make even the most casual player nervously excited.
But which future tech has them most excited?
We approached 430 men, women and wookies attending the recent Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) in Boston and asked them point blank: "Which interests you most: the Nintendo 3DS, Project Natal, or the Playstation Move?"
The winner? Give a hand to Project Natal, which scooped up a hearty 200 votes (47%). The Nintendo 3DS netted 94 (22%), while 72 (17%) chose the Playstation Move. The remaining 63 (15%) said they weren't interested in any of the three, while one brave soul (.2%) said he was equally interested in all of them.
Pretty interesting
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