[QUOTE="Unreal_393"] [QUOTE="Shattered007"] I really like Socom2/3 and The Getaway: Black Monday, I cant wait for their sequals but I just don't understand why everyone thinks the 360's controller cant handle the job.ReverseCycology
its the cow way of damage controlling the fact that they,
Wont have the Exclusive content
Wont get Rumble (unless they got milked and paid for the DS3)
Wont get achievements
will have to play with a controller thats not suitable for free aim (stick to your jprgs cows)
Will probably have bad framerate (the reason Rockstar showcases the 360 version)
and if the game has online MP, theyll have to play it through that Pathetic excuse of an online service called PSN
Bingo. 360 users will have everything available when the game is available, while PS3 owners would most likely have to wait till Home comes out with trophies and accomplisments which who knows if thats going to be any good, they have to wait till DS3 are at retailers or they have to import it, and most likely they'll have a 5 gig install once again. And oh don't forget about headsets. Every 360 is guaranteed to have one, while who knows if PS3 users will have one, they'll just be running around not playing the game properly with the multiplayer.
yeah we all run around not knowing what to do in cod4 mutliplayer right?
lets face it 360 owners just have better military coordination skills.
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