Actually, it's more like 9 to 10, 7-8, and 6 and below. What's wrong with that? mjarantilla
What the hell is wrong with just having 1-10, then? If you can equate this stupid thumbs up crap to these numbers, anyway, why even bother changing the ****ing rating system? To be less fun and be smarter?
You know what two thumbs is, what one thumb up is, and what zero thumbs up is in your mind, so why change it? Hmmm?
It's stupid. They have no reason to change it.
If you agree that "Highly recommended," "Recommended," and "Not recommended" covers the entire spectrum of messages that a review needs to convey, then why NOT change the system to something that focuses on the most useful part of the review (recommendations) instead of dressing it up with unnecessary steps?
If you're right, why aren't hotels rated up to twenty stars instead of only up to five stars? Why aren't restaurants rated to a hundred stars instead of only three stars? Why don't movie reviewers, book reviewers, or music reviewers use a 1-20 rating system?
No, I don't agree with that.
I don't like those rating systems. I have an opinion, dude. I feel the twenty point system is large enough to give me a simple answer that "X reviewer enjoyed Hotel A more than Hotel B." Maybe Hotel A got 20 out of 20, while Hotel B got 19 out of 20. If both Hotels got 5 out of 5, I would then have to... actually read stuff to determine which is better.
If you feel that the rating system is too exaggerated and such, then that's fine. You know their reviewing system well enough to determine whether or not "X game is recommended or not."
If you don't, then just read what they said about each rating. Simple enough.
How would a number tell you that Reviewer X Hotel A more than Hotel B? What if Reviewer X had stayed in an exemplary Hotel C in between staying in Hotel A and B, and Hotel C raised his expectations and thus his standards, so he ended up reviewing Hotel B slightly lower than Hotel A only because he rated Hotel A on the old standards, while Hotel B was rated on the new standards, but they are both still on the same "tier" of quality?
That's why hotels are rated on a four/five-tier scale instead of a hundred-point scale. Hotels are rated on hundreds of individual factors, but hotel reviewers (and movie reviewers, and book reviewers, etc.) know that the recommendation is more important than the score.
Yes, but that holds true for both the twenty point system and the three point system. On top of that, the review would also call Hotel B just "good" even though it's better than Hotel A---referred to as "great"--- after seeing the excellent of Hotel C. The review would also alter.
But you made your point. I understand what you mean, and you gave legitiment reasons for wanting this system rather than the current one. I don't need anymore of an explanation. I respect the fact that you backed up what you said with very good reasons, but I still disagree with you. Even if my arguments are terrible and unreasonable, I still stand by what I say. Not because I'm ignorant, but because even if all these points in favor of the three point system are against me, I still feel a desire towards the twenty point system for a reason I simply can't explain. The reason for my preference may be silly, stupid, or unprofessional to you, but that doesn't really matter to me. I know I came off as cynical at first, and I'm sorry for that.
You don't have to convince me anymore. I understand where you are coming from, but my stance still remains the same.
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