I got mine on launch day because I'll keel over and die if I don't get Nintendo consoles on launch day. Even if they suck. I guess that makes me sorta fanboy-ish, but it's more of a memorabilia thing.
As of December 7 2006, I am a Wii owner. My bro was more in to it than I was, but he persuaded me to split the cost and we bought one together. Not a bad console, not a great one (not yet, anyway). Still waiting for some online gameplay and a decent library. As much as I love the VC, it doesn't really keep the Wii going for me.
I own a Wii, I like it because women enjoy it and usually women are like "ewwww that's too violent" or "ewwww that's so lame!" But noone can resist the power of Wii Tennis or Wii Boxing! Noone I say!
[QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"]:|... :( You need an option for 'I want one..." If you would own one now if you could find one, I would call that "owning" one. :|... :( I bet your laughing inside. :cry:
[QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"][QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="Teh_Stevz"]:|... :( You need an option for 'I want one..." If you would own one now if you could find one, I would call that "owning" one. :|... :( I bet your laughing inside. :cry: Hahahahaha. No, now that I reread that, I'm actually laughing on the outside!
i own a wii, ps3, and 360.. and i must say that the wii is the most fun for certain moods/situations, such as if a bunch of people get together for a party and get a lil alcohol in them which i did for my bday hahha we couldnt of had enough fun with a ps3 or 360.. its just a great party system and soo much more
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