I don't care about consoles because they're...
Cheap watered restricted PC's
PC has the best graphicsIf you own a pretty good graphics card. Otherwise, no.
PC has free online No argument here, although some people don't play multiplayer games.
PC has mods Which can either be a great way to get more out of a game, or an exercise in frustration and a waste of disk space.
PC has free maps So I guess we're talking about FPS games, then?
PC already has digital distrubtion for games Don't want this, never did; I'll take a hard copy, thanks.
PC's are upgradable The tradeoff being that you have to know how to upgrade them. Also, thanks to PCs being upgradeable, you get situations like Crysis, which literally REQUIRE that a fair percentage of the PC gaming population upgrade their computers. When you buy a console game, you know it'll work on that console.
PC's have the most AAA's than all console combined since their launch In the real world, "AAA" means nothing; some of my favorite games aren't AAA. Besides, the PC is missing out on plenty of genres, so for fans of those genres, all the PC AAAs in the world won't mean a thing.
PC has higher player count A) This isn't always true, and B) again, not everyone plays online multiplayer/system link.
PC's can actually do HD while consoles struggle doing HD with more than 30 fps Give me a break. The majority of PC gamers are playing on screens that are probably between 17-25", those playing on their TVs are limited to 1080p, and either way, resolutions significantly higher than that are simply a form of hermit masturbation I'll wholeheartedly agree that consoles weren't yet meant to run 1080p games as Sony liked to claim, but they do just fine at running games that look amazing on a big TV, which is really all you can ask for.
PC has mouse and keyboard which owns I used to play Diablo, Warcraft, Quake, Baldur's Gate and UT (among others) with a keyboard and mouse, and you know what? I absolutely hate kb/m. I not only find it somewhat cheap in FPS (it's akin to pointing at someone's head instead of aiming a gun), but I also don't find it comfortable. Give me a controller anyday.
PC has the option to input any 360 accessory leaving no need to have a 360 Sorry, I think I misread this sentence while I was playing Halo 3, Dead Rising, GTAIV, and Ninja Gaiden II. Are you serious?
PC has games like Crysis Warhead, Spore, and Empire Total War coming out Games like GTAIV, Ninja Gaiden II, Uncharted, MGS4, Super Mario Galaxy, Resident Evil 5, Silent Hill 5, etc "coming out".
PC has the best community and its not filled with ignorant fools and little kids as seen on XBL It would appear that PC fanboys like you are in said community, and thus I can't be sure I agree with this statement. Besides, the majority of the world is idiots; why would XBL be any different?
Console Gaming can die for all I care, it blows!!! Congratulations on finishing on an extremely mature note. ;)
My thoughts in bold/italicized.
I'm not really against PC gaming, but give me a break. Just as you have no use for console gaming, I have no use for PC gaming. The only difference is, I don't feel the need to cry like a baby about it on SW. :P
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