Insider Daily. XB1 DX12 GPU is 1.3TF DP + offloading hardware means 4-5TF for the whole system
Insider: The gpu is not the same as ps4... lets finally address the gpu's
there is a tone of confusion in regards to stacking gpu's ... dgpu.. layered stacking... there all terms and easily placed in the wrong context. .. thats is why I all ways say dig the information and white papers patents are available to some degree. Mrc is very good at obtaining information and so are other on the blog..
but I will square up and tell you how all this dual gpu and stacking has come to be and why there is so much confusion and why our wires have crossed and why Ap took so long in his response, but also remember Ap is not a technical minded person he does know enough tho by now...
so xbox one gpu is not a standard gpu gcn core...
ms wanted the gpu to be multitasking.
They originally did want dual native separate gpu discrete by nature. But they developed with amd a new design.
The design is taking a gpu gcn core effectively getting that core to handle two hardware threads or dual logic .. which basically means issue a gpu two render task at once with out stalls or dropping command buffer render targets.
They designed the notion with high priority and low priority. What this effectively mean is the gpu has a typical full 1.3tf dp gpu .. they found that with audio being processed on the gpu it was taking up to much op cycle's so they designed an audio block with dedicated audio dsp.
Off load 1 .. audio
now they wanted the management recourse to be free from cpu and gpu compute processing.
Management recourse tables for dx12 can be found on gdc slides.. that is effectively software on pc side .. but within xbox one is hardware coprocessors .. 4 data move engines each with there own logic.
Off load 2 .. management recourses
Off load 3 .. kinect 2 .. kinect 2 has no burden on the x1 cpu or gpu other then upload studio or updates via live
a lot of stuff that was a massive burden on earlier gen consoles is now off loaded to separate dedicated coprocessors.
Now high and low priority multi tasking.
Is now true high priority effective. With out off load you cant optimize effectively
all old engines do not use off load or better term coprocessors or dx12 features. Mono driver was all ways one render target. Stereo dual logic. Dx12 full off load in hardware. Lets not worry about cpu dxcore they are not apart of this discussion.
Ms have been open that is why I have stated right in front of your eyes.
Like crossfire but not the same. Split in two. Mono driver / stereo driver. Dx12 . Dx12 accelerated by hardware.
The biggest pain for developers at launch time was recourse management. They had two port over to retail sdk from crossfired 7970 or titans gtx sli. Down to mono. They were lucky ms clocked the system higher to give the extra performance needs but 1st party did have beta stereo but no full dx12 and very basic off load. 1080p 60fps. I probably should have been straight up with the blog but then with nda and iron fist... but I stand by the x1 design ..
lets compare basics
Lets look at ps4 gpu as old analogue design one rendering single logic. 1.8sp no off load for management recourse and basic for audio where gpu still has to use comput processing.. ps cam has to use comput processing and cpu for skeletons and point processing.
And xbox one gpu is digital. 2x rendering dual logic. No recourse management needed from gpu kinect or audio.. the gpu is identical to a dual native set up. It is the same as stacking a gpu on top of another gpu. It is also full dx12 100% in hardware with data move engines with accelerators. It is in effective 2 gpu's. But its done by hardware layers high priority and low priority dual logic multi thread or multi tasking. This is the evolution of gpu. Like the first dual core processor. Now the cu can effectively issue 2x to 4x there op/s depending on engine also. So 12/14 cu just like the gpu dual logic.. that is why I referred to them as beefed up or modified cu.
Is the xbox soc stacked yes. Is there secret yes...a massive accelerator does exist but I ant going to loose my freedom over the next chapter of this blog ... e3 is all I have ever asked everybody to wait till.. judge me then :)
And I do apologise to the people who feel they deserve this for the misconceptions in terms. And I hope you people tear this information apart there is 100% truth here. Every body that adds to this blog conjecture or pro is building an amazing community for xbox ... do not blame misterx he has worked very hard here and should not be accounted for the misconceptions in terms there is a language gap also.
if people are not happy with my contribution to the community I will leave rather then see this community fold.
MisterX: Anyway the whole system is 4-5TF and 2-3 times more powerfull than PS4. That is remain untouched. WE only try to figure out how they achive that.
And yes some of our therios you never confirmed and remain silence when we dug them and posted. So people should only trust Insider Daily and direct words from you and other confirmed Insiders here as all other topics without "Insider Daily" and "Insider" are our opinions and interesting but unconfirmed theories.
Now that stacking has officially been debunked the mental gymnastics are now that the chips aren't stacked but they have different layers. LOL They are still saying Albert Penello is wrong. Discuss.
Thread especially for @GrenadeLauncher
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