Imgur is being finicky (yes my HTML is well formed, GS! **** you too!) so only links for you. Sorry.
My full setup. From left to right:
19'' CRT (used for PS2 when Bravia is hogged)
40'' Sony Bravia LCD HDTV... and my little bro is playing GRAW2. Anyways.
(I'm guessing) 17'' monitor next to a crappy old PC I use to play some old games I find.
My PS2, PS3, and Wii. Along with a ****-load of accessories (wiimotes and nunchucks take WAY too much space). (also, some of those games aren't mine, which explains MySims and such)
My fav games as of now. Playing none of them, however, because I'm addicted to Phantasy Star Portable 2.
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