Post what you have officially decided about this gen.
One of the biggest (game-related) debates is which next-gen (or should I say current gen) systems to get. Well I have narrowed it down to the either the Microsoft Xbox360 or Nintendo's Wii. I have definitely considered PS3 because I would love to play Tekken 6 , but other than that 360 is just as good (for my wants and needs) and is $150 cheaper; the Wii is an a whole different category (it's in a league of it's own).
So I've come to this conclusion about whether I should get the 360 or Wii first: The 360 will only be fun until Microsoft and Sony make better systems, the Wii (with it's new inventive way to play and it' do I explain it, it's like Chicken Soup for the gamer soul) will be fun for a very long time. Therefore, I should get the 360, enjoy some of the best graphics this gen (and some very promising games like Bioshock, GTA IV, Soul Calibur IV, and Guitar Hero III) and then later get the Wii and have sometimeless fun with silly games like Wii Sports and the Mario games (and some of those epic games like Metroid Prime 3 and whatever comes out next in the Zelda series).
BTW, in no way am I a lemming, last gen I hated the Xbox with a passion simply because of the Halo-tards in my school (not that Halo is a stupid game, it's just that some people treat it like it's the Holy Bible).
Your turn, post the conclusion you have come to about this generation of video games.
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