So, it's getting close to Christmas now, and seeing as I am only 14 and I am still in school, I still get presents from my parents.
Here is what I have asked for this year.
Guitar Hero: World Tour Full Band Bundle (XBOX 360) - I know that I am getting this, seeing as I watched my mum pre-order it off Amazon to make sure she was ordering it for the right console. Also, seeing as it was a pre-order, I got an extra guitar free.
Rock Band 2 (XBOX 360) - I asked for the Rock Band 2 disk on it's own without the instruments because I asked for the Guitar Hero: World Tour Full Band Bundle and as far as I know, the Guitar Hero: World Tour instruments are better.
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift (Playstation 3) - I know I am getting this too, because my sister was with my mum when she bought it and my sister told me.
Resistance 2 (Playstation 3) - Hopefully getting this, although I think there is a good chance I will get it because my sister said that when my mum bought Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, she asked them is Resisitance 2 was out yet.
Little Big Planet (Playstation 3) - I was in the beta for Little Big Planet and I loved it, so I asked for it for Christmas. Hopefully, I will get it.
The Dark Knight (Blu-Ray) - My sister has got me this. Loved the movie when I went to see it at the cinema, and I am sure it will look incredible on Blu-Ray.
Hancock (Blu-Ray) - Never actually got round to seeing this movie, so I thought I would ask for it for Christmas.
XBOX LIVE 2100 Points Card - Just bought myself a new 12 month XBOX LIVE Gold Subscription, so I thought it would be nice to have some points to spend on some DLC for Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2.
So that's my Christmas List for Christmas 2008. Please don't leave stupid messages saying that I am spoiled and things like that. I hardly get anything for my birthday, which is why I get a lot for Christmas. I can afford to buy the latest releases because I have a job, not because my parents buy me them. The only time I get games from my parents is at Christmas.
So, what about you guys? What have you asked for this year?
Also, for the older people, what are you treating yourself to this Christmas, or if you know, what has your wife/girlfriend got you?
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