[QUOTE="lesner87"][QUOTE="chikenfriedrice"][QUOTE="lesner87"] [QUOTE="chikenfriedrice"]the 360 can't do that? of course it canDAZZER7
I wish i had the privelage to delete posts...
well u don't and for good reason
Run away fanboy this topic isnt for immature kids under estimating PS3 all the time :).
(1) This is system wars, for simple PS3 appreciation (without debate) there are the PS3 forums or your blog!
(2) To discuss a topic you should consider all points of view and discuss them, not dismiss them outright
(3) I hate to break it to you but the PS3 isn't the powerhouse you think it is. 'Take a walk around here' and you will see current pc gaming rigs are dominating when talking about power and graphics.
(4) Would you seriously delete all posts that do not agree with your point of view and are such people immature kids? :lol:...No! 8)
2)Ok from now onwards i will.Since kids like you are bothering me from the start of topic.
3)Firstly i havent seen anything like that on Xbox 360.Pcs might be dominating and power houses.But for a good price that is !
4)No i wouldnt .My aim wasnt to start a console war here but it certainly is going towards it.
How do you call mods to close the topic ?
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