Real IGN article from August 25, 2000
The first and most obvious ga ming innovation Nintendo is offering the world is its bold new controller design. Many may argue that the controller looks like a Fisher Price toy, but time and time again Nintendo has proven you can't judge a book by its cover. Consider the Nintendo 64 controller. When it was first unveiled many couldn't believe how odd it looked. Then, after playing a game like Mario 64 they realized just how great the controller was in its design. However, I don't want to taint this commentary with talking about the N64 controller. While the N64 controller was the most ergonomic of controllers, its layout wasn't widely useful. Gamecube's controller is a completely different story. In terms of feel the controller is said to slip into your palm of your hand and melt.The button layout is definitely the most unique the industry has ever seen. No longer will you be guessing which button you're pressing, because each button has a distinct feel and a distinct look. This is dramatically different than any other controller on the console market. Another great feature about the controller that I'm really excited about is the button layout. The A, B, X, and Y buttons are laid out like a D-pad in a way. You center your right thumb on the large A-button, and then the B, Y, and X buttons can be thought of as left, up, and right, respectively. I think once everyone actually holds the controller and plays their first Gamecube game that they'll be quite delighted.
Take that fanboys.
Guess only Sony fans are the only ones that can go from "gameplay>graphics" to "Graphics are what makes games next gen!" in a second.
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