Now i have your attention, heres an unbiased veiw..........................
To start with ive had a 360 for just over a year now and i only really expected it to be a good system but it has turned out to be a great console with so much potential, but the fact is the PS3 will have great games year in year out and if they lose quite a few exclusives there are always going to be great first party games and other really good exclusives anyway! I also believe that the 360 has quality games in most genres and alot of great or really good games covering different genres.And with a great platformer and RPGs that are likely to turn out it really is a fantastic console to have.The amount of GREAT games per year will be pretty equal on each console(PS3 and 360) and we are likely tosee this start in the next year when the PS3 has enough time!To blind fanboys if they dislike a great game and dont give it enough chance then suddenly the system is meant to be poor and the game is seen asway too overatted(Gears for example, is in my opinion wrongly labelled as overrated)And this is the veiw some have toward both systems.Maybe the 360 has already got more top games but there are quite a few years left with both systems so there will be a point when the PS3 becomes a must have console for many people.
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