Seriously, you heard me right. I am a PS3 fan(I guess a cow in SW terms, MOOO)I don't understand why people hate PS home. It it is without a doubt the greatest thing ever, Graphics king, check. Lady finder, check. Deep truthful social networking, check. Adventure around ever corner, check, check and check. If that was not enough of a reason let me go into full detail and so ACTUAL PROOF of why PS home is the best thing to hit gaming in the past 10 years.
1. Girls, Girls, Girls.
Let me tell you something, the ladies are out and about in PS home and they...Are..Smoking. These babes got it all, they are friendly and nice. Oh and before you go and say something like "OMG they are not real, I have PROOF" Here are two lovely ladies that sent me pics.
Pic # 2
Hotness all around baby, only on PS home will you find real woman like this.
2.Graphics king all across the board.
I hear a lot about graphics this and that, but PS home has...It...all. Look at these badass graphics.
Heavy Rain, Crysis, Gears, Killzone, those games have nothing on these realistic facial animations.
Now speaking of graphics, Crysis is one of the most talked about games on this forum, and for good reason, the game looks and plays like a champ, but how will it compare to the godlike PS home.
PS home
3.Deep social networking
The kids love their facebook and their Myspace. PShome blows both of them out of the water. Typing a message to a friend on their wall *YAWN*. Why do that when you can type a message and make your incredible detailed character do a dance at the same time? On PS home you will find the richest conversations ever, and you don't even have to wait for a stupid friend request accept thingy, just walk on over and get in on the fun! Damn, so far PS home has show to have and do it all and the best part is, we are not even done yet!
Why play as some dude in green tights or pay a large fee to lose your life in an MMO when you can just do PShome. Step one, create your amazingly detailed character. Step two, go and and explore! You will not be tied down doing stupid grinding quest or trying to save some crazy princess in this adventure, oh no my friends, in this heavenly bliss you will be doing what you want, when you want. Go to the movies, play some pool, take some pics. It is like the fun of real life but without the danger, oh and chick never turn you down.
If PS home were an actual game it would be a AAAAE, only on PS3 baby!
5.Its not Call of duty
Probably the most important thing, its not call of duty. Which means you will not have to worry about getting dominated on your way to an epic quest by commando pro or danger close. No Ac130s or nukes, no stupid kids getting on your nerves. PS home is filled with the greatest group of human beings of all time, thus me calling it heavenly bliss earlier.
None of these little bastards
So at the end of this post, what have we learned huh? We learned that
- PS home is greatness
- PS home has beautiful woman
- PS home has amazing social features
- PS home has great adventures
- PS home has the most realistic and detailed graphics seen on any platform
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