There is no link in the OP...
According to the OP, PS4 gets FOUR free PS+ games for October? I only expected two games, awesome.
Cool. My Xbone is only getting one new free GwG game for October.
Numbers wise, it works out to 20 free PS+ PS4 games, and 7 free GwG Xbone games by October.
As far as PS3 goes, they did give Batman Arkham City for free back in April 2014, so I guess they wanted to give the first game to complete the set.
Pix the Cat is a brand new game, so that's interesting. PS+ has been good at delivering brand new games to the service including last month's Velocity 2x and Resogun to name a few.
D&D is two games in one, it's an old school arcade brawler. I own that, but it's pretty good. Spelunky I own as well on four platforms (PC, PS3, 360, and Vita), and it's a fun game, although hard. I'll be happy to get Spelunky again on PS4.
I'm not into racing games, so Drive Club does nothing for me, but I'm glad for Pix the Cat, Rainbow Moon, and go at Spelunky.
Obviously, there are Free games on PS4 (not related to PS+) which are available every month like WarThunder, DC Universe, Blacklight Retribution, Warframe, Planetside 2 (incoming), etc...but that's a whole different list not related to PS+. I only mentioned that because one upset Xtreme X-poster below thought he would bring up free games like F2P Killer Instinct on his Xbone to bolster GwG's incredibly sad display with one new GwG these last two months. It was a desperate move, acting as sort of a micro-shoddy defense since Xbone got only one new GwG game this month like last month. It was ineffective and unrelated, and by doing that he opened the floodgates of more games bolstering PS+'s list, which he didn't intend. It's lack of research on his part and this message is only for him. That's why I took the time to mention WarThunder and above in this edit, for his sake and sanity. For SW, let's keep things simple. PS+ vs. GwG. Especially after GwG aped PS+ in the first place.
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