@mems_1224 said:
@SolidTy said:
@charizard1605 said:
Well, if you wanna
be all technical,
it took five years.
Then again, cloud storage on consoles was on PS first.
being first is irrelevant when you're the worst.
Credit goes to Xbox, but that's already obvious.
The worst at Cloud Storage would be Nintendo and besides it's obvious that being the worst sucks, sure, but you missed my point.
At one time console cloud storage was only for Playstation and at that time it was the best since it was the only "Console Cloud" storage in town. It's funny how something no console had suddenly is this prized possession to debate about. Cloud storage is convenient.
The timeline of five years (August 2010) seemed peculiar since five years ago Cloud Storage didn't even exist for Xbox 360. It didn't even exist for Playstation yet. That's not very technical at all, is it?
I don't take any of these comparisons personally, facts are facts, but who cares. Right now in the "lol cloud storage console wars", Xbox is the best, Playstation is second, Nintendo is third. It wasn't always this way, but that's the case today. At one time Playstation was the only machine that had cloud storage which was the best and only place for console cloud storage. Sony have been bested for sometime though on that cloud storage console front (I would know, I've been a member of Xbox Live longer than some of SW have even had an Xbox, Nintendo, or Playstation).
Posting stuff about particular consoles and circuits might make you feel better, but that doesn't change anything I said because someone else claimed to be technical and then posted inaccuracies.
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