I got a dilema here. I currently own a ps3 40gb version. It cant play ps2 games.
So the question is should i buy a ps2? or a psp?
Im a huge final fantasy fan and ive played them all exept ff12, ff12 is the main reason why i want to rebuy a ps2. But games like kingdom hearts and god of war is games i never had a chance to play when i had a ps2.
Is it worth to rebuy a last gen console for a few classic games?
Or i can buy a psp.. the graphics are identical as the ps2 graphics but its handheld which is great. And got games like gow, ff crisis core. Which one should i buy?
Im a huuuge ff fan so if i would buy the ps2 i would also get ff10 which ive finished before but dont remember much from it.
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