the same article was on the PC site... maybe you know more than the PC journalists there, too...:roll:
Yes sir. There's nothing about being a PC journalist that makes you especially qualified to discuss IT security, and were they experts on that matter, I guarantee you they wouldn't be in journalism. Nothing wrong with being a journalist, but most people don't turn down the extra $75k a year working in security would pay them.
Tell me, what are these "hackers" brute forcing? What's out there secured by nothing more than a basic password (no lockout, no IT security staff, et cetera) that's remotely accessable and wasn't already vulnerable before the PS3?
Exactly there is no way to get into networks they really don't want You in unless You get there physically. Just posting cause i really liked the word rainbow table :D
Rainbow table!
Of all the areas of computer science, cryptography has some of the coolest terminology.
Sub there are times when I see you demolish someone's arguement its like watching an angry early career Mike Tyson vs Pee Wee Herman. Its really not very fair :)blue_hazy_basic
Mike Tyson should have known better. Pee Wee sits in his house all day talking to furniture, a guy that crazy is usually carrying a gun.
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