It was released three years ago, it was promised to deliver 1080p at 120FPS with 4D graphics turned on. A super computer for $600, yeah right.
Today the PS3 is nothing more than a toy. There are PC gaming machines with 40 times the power of a PS3 (5890 x 2 and an overclocked Core i7 extreme). Sony said that the PS3 is roughly 30 times more powerful than the PS2 andn ow only three years after we have PCs with 40 times the power of the PS3.
Give it two more years and it might be like comparing the PS1 with the PS3.
but doesnt this apply to every electronical stuff... they get released only to become obsolete after newer products come out..
You listed the likes of Core i7, 5890 cardsetc... i hope you realise the likesPentium II, III, IV processors and 5+ year old graphics cards, these becomealso OBSOLETE in comparison even though they are PC components..
You are asking people then not to buy cars which are not high end models coming from the likes of AUDI, BMW, Mercedes or else Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini etc etc because hey these make look the average cars the majority of people afford OBSOLETE in sytle, comfort & performance..
true, time doesn't stand still, cars devalue from the day they are purchased, same with everything, it's only really 'new' the day it's released i supposeEverything evolves/improves & changes...specially when it comes to consoles which come out and stay for an average of 4 - 6yrs one cannot pretend they stay on top in terms of technology.. during those years we see many innovations in terms of technology which most of the time will be mass produced years later... only to become obsolete.. we have to realise that what we'll get next year might alreay be obsolete because somewhere, someone already has something better in the works but probably its way to expensive to mass produce and sell it to the average (worker) consumer..
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