Lets be honest guys, 2007 wasn't a good year for the PS3. 07 belonged to Microsoft. When the PS3 launched, the 360 was waiting right outside Sony's house, ready to give its fledging console a good kicking as soon as it stepped out the door. But this year will be different as Sony has got its act together. But most importantly Sony has caved into demands of consumers and developers over the world and drastically cut the PS3's price and sales recieved a massive boost. In the UK the PS3 shifted around 12000 week on week through October, beating the 360 on average by 2000 units. In the rest of Europe the PS3 outsold the 360 by a massive 2 to 1 throughout October. Not only this, but in Japan the PS3 outsold the Wii and no one owns a 360 here. More games WILL get released for the PS3. Lets face it, the 360 blew its load a bit early, triple A titles such as BioShock, Mass Effect and Halo 3 have come and gone. 360 owners have few exclusives to look forward to this year. PS3 owners. on the other hand, have Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Online, Little Big Planet, Unreal Tournament III and Gran Turismo 5 to get excited about. 2008 will also see the introduction of PLAY TV, a service that is totally unique to the PS3, and of course, the long waited launch of Sony's online social clun, Home. Microsoft has thrown loads of cash behind Toshiba's HD-DVD, in an effort to scupper Sony's plans. Film 300 sold 2x as many copies as it did on Blu Ray than HD-DVD. The HD-DVD success is starting to look doubtful. This year Sony will gets its groove back.
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