360 is the better option with or without a PC. It has better online, better controller (imo) and 2x more exclusives:
XBOX 360
AAAE - 5
Forza 2
Halo 3
Gears 2
AAE - 12
Banjo Kazooie
Fable 2
Viva Pinata 2
Ace Combat 6
Dead Rising
Saints Row
MotoGP 06
Scene it
AE - 12
Star Ocean 4
Race Pro
Amped 3
Namco Museum
Lost Odyssey
Scene it?
Naruto The Broken Bond
Ninja Blade
AAAE - 3
Killzone 2
Resistance 2
AAE - 7
Valkyria Chronicles
Motorstorm PR
Heavenly Sword
Ridge Racer 7
AE - 11
Disgaea 3
Gran Turismo Prologue
Hot Shots Golf
Ratchet and Clank
The Eye of Judgement
SingStar V3
Why the hell would you ignore the big future games coming for the ps3/xbox 360? They are going to be out by the end of the year so don't you think that's very relevant to his decision?
Anyways, I'd say to wait for a PS3 price drop, and then buy it. Then just get any game that's a FPS or RTS for your PC. I really doubt you'll want to miss out on Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clank 2, God of War III, Infamous, others new games, and many of the titles he listed above me. If you love Halo 3 and/or Gears of War 2 then you may want to get the Xbox 360. The way I see it, QUALITY>QUANITYand the Halo 3/Gears of War series offers a lot of replay value, and offers Xbox 360's most enjoyable gameplay, if you like those games. If you get those games, you most likely will not want other exclusive FPS's for the 360 like Perfect Dark Zero. Do you see what I'm saying?
IMO, the PS3 offers higher quality games (many of them coming out in the near future) and many of them like Killzone 2 offer great reply value. I'm assuming you'll still be doing a lot of PC gaming because of the FPS's you'll be playing on this PC. I think that the PS3 has better single player experience games like with Uncharted and MGS4.
Also, if you are into streaming media from your PC to game console to watch movies and listen to music, the PS3 is better at doing this. It's that the XBox 360 can't do this because it can easily. The problem is that it's just inconsistent for me when it comes to streaming .h264 video files (even using Tversity). In addition it doesn't support 5.1 surround sound with the .h264 format (it only supports 2.1).
Im sure PS3 has great exclusives. The fact is that 360 has far more great exclusives. Of course its all a matter of opinion and everyone is free (for some reason) to prefer the PS3 lineup over the 360 one!
Im not ignoring the future games also but no one knows about future 360 exclusives yet. MS is supposed to show them at e3. If not, ill be desapointed but right now we can only speculate! If we go by games annouced right now, PS3 wins of course but it wouldnt be fair compare lineups before e3
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