Man, it seems that the PS3 is horribly over priced and sucks as a gaming system. I remember playing at my friends house playing Resistance and it was just like a WWII games just wih aliens. Even the graphics weren't very good. That was suposed to be the PS3's great launch game!? And then he put in the blu-ray disk. It really does suck when you don't have a tv that doesn't support blu-ray. I lost it for the PS3. Now I'm hearing that HAZE and MGS4 will be coming out for the 360 too, well one year after they release on the PS3. The whole home idea is also a horrible idea. How many people will actually go on that thing when they can be killing the Covenant or killing cops. Even if the was a Home for the 360, I wouldn't be on it or go on it. And then the one thing that blew me away that made me think Sony was desperate: FREE ONLINE SERVICE. Wow! I know Sony is scarred by losing the console war now. Now I hear the it has only sold 3 million consoles since it's horribly bad launch date.
So if I had bough it for 600 dollars, I would sell it on ebay for twice the amount and see if a sucker would buy it from me.
PS3: Play Beyond=PS3: Completely Stupid.
I will say that I do like the Wii. It is atleast fun.
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