its called LOW self esteem...the lemmings continuosly "BULLY" the ps3 to make themselves feel like the bigger person
thats where it would all stem from, its how they feel about themselves
So what does that say about Sony fans when for the last decade or so when Sony was dominating, you guys bashed everything under the sun that didn't have the Sony name on it. Now people are giving it to Sony fans just like Sony fans gave it to them, but now the Sony fans cry and complain, conspiracy theories are everywhere, gamespot is biased, blah blah blah....I hate speaking bad about any group, but I have to admit, Sony fans can't take the heat unless everything is going their way.
When the 360 first launched, Sony fans went crazy, the 360 is not next gen, no good games, this and that, but when Sony launches and they get the same treatmeant. "why are people hating?" "lemmings are scared" blah blah blah......When a game looks better on the 360, developers are lazy, when games look better on the PS3, its because the system is better, you guys are amazing with the double standard.
you guys trash FPS and then love them when Resistence hit the scene.
Achievements suck, this and that, but wait! Sony fans get Trophies, god bless Sony.
you guys bash 360 cause they charge 50 bucks for live, fine I wish it was free as well, but if sony for some reason starts to charge I promise you, sony fans will come up with a good reason why we should pay.
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