Hello there guys and (few) girls...
Ill make this quick...
Last gen, playstation 2 was the outright winner (in most peoples eyes) however if you think about it, xbox and even gamecube still had the ps2s best multiplat games...GTA, BURNOUT for example, multiplat yet best examples of their genre...even though most ps2 games were complete shovelware and an identical, if not superior, experience could be found on an xbox or even a gamecube...
Now what pushed the ps2 was word of mouth and its brand name....Seriously i **** you not, i would say around 9/10 people i know OWN a ps2...they dont even PLAY VIDEOGAMES, but they OWN A PS2...
Believe it or not theres a world outside system wars...and there are many more people out in it then in here....now these people and their mothers arnt going to look on gaming forums and websites and see how "TEH PS£ HAS NO GAMES!!" and "OMG 360 SOOO MUCH BETTORZ!!!" they will simply see the name PLAYSTATIONand buy it....
Do you really think ps3 could have sold half ofwhat the 360sold in two years, in its first year, if people did their research thenthe ps3 wuldnt be selling nearly as well but it is selling VERY VERY WELL for a console that has "no games" and is "overpriced" and once again it is because of what you may call "casuals"simply going into a shop and overlooking the xbox and wii to get a playstation since it is such a large brand name....
So you really think all these people who have a ps2 and dont even play it...when they go for a next console ofcourse they will go for a PLAYSTATION product and overlook XBOX...
the wii is in a good position because every little child and their grannie wants it...
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