Providing, Killzone 2 is as good as they say it is. There's two games that stick out to me when I think Xbox 360 shooters, and thats Halo and gears. But, really, after all these years, these games are starting to show there age. Halo 3 was fairly bland, lets be honest here, the game never smashed any visual or audio benchmarks, let alone the fact its nearly a year and half old.
Gears, on the other hand, was amazing when it first came out, but gears 2 failed to nail the initial nostalgia and overall brilliance. Maybe gears was so special because it was the first next-gen feeling game in the time of games like Perfect dark. Sorry cliffy B, but merely making a new (worse) story on exactly the same engine, with some chainsawing chucked in did not make gears 2 anything special.
But Killzone...killzone 2 is something else. It seems to be immersing beyond belief. The visual are probably the best on consoles, and this was confirmed in the alpha (preview code). The physics and ragdoll of the effects of the game are sensational; the developers made a Bailey video out of them. And the sound, is probably the games most impressive trait beside graphics. 90 minutes of tear jerking (literally its made people cry) orchestral music dynamically played throughout the game to match whats going on. Killzone 2 is the future of shooters. (Oh, I've even played it, I was in there beta.
Of course this is dependant on gamespot verdict, I'm highlighting potential here rather than fact.
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