Often you will hear from gamers from one console group or the other "Your system has no quality games". In the last 6 months this has been true for owners of PS3, we hear it all the time. SPG has set out to investigate these claims.
To attempt impartiality on this topic we have used the ratings of MetaCritic.com. MetaCritic is owned by C|net and only rates games where their exists a minimum of 5 reviews from known, quality review sites. MetaCritic then averages these scores out.
The above chart then dispays the percentage of reviewed games with scores over 80% and under 50% for each console.
Reality Check Consoles (PS3/X360/PS2/Wii):
Of all current consoles the PS3 has the HIGHEST percentage of games rated over 80%.
Of all current consoles the X360 has the LOWEST percentage of games rated under 50%
The Wii has the LOWEST percentage of games over 80% and the MOST under 50% of any console.
Reality Check Handhelds (PSP/DS):
The PSP has the HIGHEST percentage of games over 80% and the LOWEST percentage under 50%
Consumers are willing to forgo quality games to get a better price. Both the DS and Wii are providing the lowest cost of entry to video gaming but offering the least in terms of game quality vs other consoles.
SPG will check back on this topic from time to time.
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