[QUOTE="Episode_Eve"][QUOTE="fixer293"] Tell me the console with more AAA's......360
Tell me the consoles that are cheaper........360 and Wii
Tell me about the games you have to play on PS3.....you have a few, where 360 and Wii have many
Does the PS3 give you choice?....No, forced format, where the 360 has an optional add on, and Wii is just for games.
Yeah, a $600 console, that doesn't give you a choice, and has barely any games, yeah a great deal....Not.
I didn't think that many people cared so much about Blu-Ray being added. I for one am glad they added it.
I own all next-gen consoles and I have had just as much fun with my PS3 as much as my 360. (right now my wii is a dust magnet).
Overall the PS3 is a great machine. You basically get more than you actually pay for. I dont see the big deal.
It is a $600 dollar "gaming" console, That makes its purchasers wait for games, and on top of that, games that were supposed to be exclusive....Assasin's creed, devil may cry 4....are now going to a console that is $200 cheaper, so thats why its a big deal.Why make a console, promise a bunch of BS, and then in the end charge your fans $600 dollars to say "now wait like a good gamer, and maybe we will release a game this month that is actuall worth a *****."
You fail to understand that the PS3 was never said by Sony to be just as a "gaming console" it's a multimedia device.
There is so much more to do with a PS3 outside of gaming:
- I have freakin Linux Yellow Dog on my PS3
----> VERY reliable OS it's like a cross between MAc and Windows
- Music and pictures are extremely easy to transfer via USB
- Blu-ray movies are beautiful.
Assassins Creed was NEVER exclusive. It was just announced for the PS3 first. Hell, at the event where it was first shown, it was played with a 360 controler. It ws inevitable for any Capcom game to be multiplat, they want to expand their market. Most likely Lost Planet and/or Dead Rising will come to PS3.
Only a fool would believe that ANY console will not have great games out for it. Thats why I have all 3.
Have you sat down an played Resistance all the way trhough? I can tell you I'm the biggest Gears fan (you can find me playing multiplayer almost everyday), but Resistance single player blows it away. Also, Just because there are no "AAA exlcusives" doesn't mean there arent any GREAT games out for it.
There are plenty of exclusives on the PS3. Outside of Nintendo, Sony has the biggest first party developers in the world. These companies develope AAA titles that sell millions of software as well as hardware.
- Santa Monica Studios: God of War series
- Naughty Dog: Jak Series, Uncharted
- Polyphonial Studios: Gran Turismo series
Potential AAA 3rd Party exclusives:
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- FFI3
- FF13 V
- Kingdom Hearts
- Heavenly Sword
- Warhawk
- LittleBigPlanet
- Lair
In the end I'm very justifed with my PS3 purchase. The most out of all 3 consoles. To tell the truth, I'd say that the Wii as of now is my least favorite. I haven't played it really since I beat Zelda. I won't play my Wii until Mario, Metroid, Smash comes out. Wonder why people don't put it in the same category as the PS3? Because it sells like hotcakes. A sad truth. the only two real great, deep experiences on the Wii are Zelda and Super Paper Mario.
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