THe PS3 is amazing. It is priced lower than the 360, and its games are just incredible. Haze was a awesome game and Uncharted 2 looked better than crysis. Crysis sucked anyway, because I dont know how to play it. My computer costed me $1000 and yet I can only play Crysis on Ultra High,
I mean I got ripped off. With a playstation 3 I can play games, watch movies, and masticate some pizza at the same time.
GT5 will sell 12 million copies, simply because who doesnt want to play a racing sim. Who cares about As and AAs. If they arent AAA they are terrible games. Also Halo sucks becuase it doesnt bring something new to the genre, those that makes it automattically suck. All the reviewers were paid by Microsoft. And Console exclusives dont count because everyone PS3 user owns a gaming PC. And anyone Microsoft doesnt get money just because it is on PC.
Not everyone has Windows infact over 9 percent of the entire computer market doesnt use Windows. You can play any game on Linix and Mac without any problem. Games play better on Mac than Windows. Its no wonder Windows 7 is only going to sell 177 million copies by the end of 2010. I mean thats a low number. This is of course all fact. Just google it.
Dragon Age Orgins got a higer score on the PS3 than the 360. This means that mutiplats are better on the PS3. Microsoft is evil, but Sony isnt because I said so.
Also I am not a fakeboy.
Also so the mods dont suspend me again I did not insult anyone this time :).
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