I'm talking about the technology in the systems btw.
I ran across a comment in the rumor control article about Dead Rising PS3 where someone said that PS3 wouldn't be able to handle that many objects on screen at once.
It maketh me kinda mad at people for spreading rumors and saying "PS3 is less powerful than Xbox 360" because its completely not true. Now, I know you're probably thinking "But you sony fanboys rub it in our face all the time!". Well I'm also mad when PS3 fanboys go "WELL TEH PS3 HAZ FOLDIN AT HOME WHICH CURES CANSER AND TEH PS3 PWNS CUZ IT GOT TWICE POWER OF 360", because that's not true either.
From what I've seen, with games Like Madden NFL 09, Call of Duty 4, and others, is that both consoles are nearly EXACTLY THE SAME. The only thing different is PS3's got Blu-ray but very few games have taken advantage of this, and they're usually exclusives anyway. But honestly, if you look at the spec sheets, neither console is inferior to the other.
So does anyone here agree or disagree? I'm open to opinion...
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