With the 360's current lead of nearly 7 million systems over the PS3, do cows truly realise how much more per week the PS3 would have to sell to be able to overtake the 360 this year? I mean really, take off your fanboy goggles and use some common sense and math. What games are suddenly going to spur that type of international growth? The PS3 has some real heavy hitters this year with their price drop. LBP, MGS, KZ2, FF, Resistance 2, and Home. But none of those will start the PS3 to outselling the 360 by hundreds of thousands per month. And that, my dear cows, is what would have to happen in order for the PS3 to leap frog the 360 in a year. The PS3 isn't the Wii. Different appeal and audience.
Then to make matters worse, do cows think that Bungie just sort of, I don't know, went out of buisness? Do you truly think with nearly seven million Halo 3 sales that in a year or so we won't here word of a Halo 4? Newsflash, this businss is all about money. 9 times out of ten a great selling game will eventually see a sequel. So expect Halo 4 in 2009 not because of an announcement I heard, but just common sense. Oh, and When Gears of War 2 hits, whenever it hits, that game is a killer app in every way. Mass Effect 2 is coming as well, you know. So is Banjo, Ninja Gaiden, Fable 2, another Forza probably in 2009, tons of multiplats and NEWSFLASH, there will be a 360 pricecut sometime this year too. Its not only the PS3 that can lower its price. Add into that tons and tons of multiplats, including GT4 exclusive content, other new original IP's and whatever other suprises MS has in store and its just a long, hard road for the PS3 ahead.
All in all look for the PS3 to close in on the 360 to within I woukld say 3 million, but overtake it in 2008. That's wishfull, fanboy wet dreams. Its just not going to happen. Especially now with the 360's ravaging of the PS3 in the states almost offsetting any sort of advantage PS3 has internationally.
To end things, even if in 2009 sometime the PS3 was to overtake the 360, hypthetically, mind you, they went from nearly 80% of the maket share last gen to probably 30%. And they are deep, deep in debt over the PS3 thus far. Unlike MS right now, they aren't making a profit. It might take a long time for MS to be in the black, but at least a profit is being made now toward it.
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