[QUOTE="Sony_92"][QUOTE="Apathetic-Irony"][QUOTE="EPaul"][QUOTE="11Marcel"]This is actually the first time I see the names "the agency" and "infamous". What are they all about?Sony_92
The Agency is a spy MMO done by SOE and Infamous is superhero sandbox game done by sucker punch(Sly Cooper)
Don't hype The Agency for the love of God. SOE has huge problems pulling off a half decent MMO on the PC, let alone the PS3. Don't shoot yourself in the foot with this one.
well they did make EverQuest
Ncsoft is now part of SOE. NCsot made Guild Wars , and City of Villians/Heroes.
No, SOE made Everquest 2. Varant (sp?) made Everquest 1, which was much better than Everquest 2. Everquest 2 was initially a failure, losing nearly all of its subscribers after just a few months. Eventually they started copying WoW, and now have completely changed EQ2 from what it once was. While it's now much better than before, the entire game is a monument to SOE not knowing what makes a MMO successful.
They are infamous for horrible, horrible customer support and having buggy releases. They live to screw over their customers.
While I can't say much for City of Heroes/Villains, I can tell you that Guild Wars is not a MMO.
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