Let me state this first, I've always been dead loyal to Sony Playstation. Back in 2003 when I got my first Playstation 2, I felt an instant bond to the magical console. It was a bond that combined boy with machine and made it one. It was love. Not even the N64 could compete. So naturally when first gen Xbox came out, I felt a the tension of rivalry and became a hater of the box. Whenever a game from the box failed to sell, I would smile in delight of their failure.
The PS2 was fantastic. All major games were on it. The FFs, GTAs, REs, SHs, Sly, God of war, Battlefront, MetalGS....the list goes on. It was perfect because despite it being a Japanese console, the majority of American games were publishedon the PS2. But finally, after seven years or so, the legacy started to draw towards a end, and the dawn of next gen consoles were on the rise. Tho I didn't have enough extra savings to purchase one, I ardently supported the PS3. It was a shock to me that the XBOX had reincarnated stronger than ever. PS3 sales were crushed by the Xbox and there didnt seem to be as many major titles as its opponent had to offer.
So here is my (recent) perceptionfor both consoles as aindividual that did not do his homework:
-Started really strong with a wider variety of game choices
-Many games that were released on both consoles seem to have better graphics and less lags or bugs on the xbox than ps3
-Online community is rich, diverse, and easy to use
-Achievement setting is far more reasonable than the 4 trophy system on the ps3
-Downloaded gamesare ready to play right after downloading
-Audience is more diverse and contains mature gamers while in ps3 half the population are 12 year old kids
-Xboxhas gears of war, halo, mass effect...etc
-XBox is American (American game developers are putting the Japanese companies out of business. I kinda made the connection that more US games would appear on the Xbox while more Japanese games would appear on the PS3. Appologies for notstating that clearly.)
-Some arcade games are free and reward achievements
-Discounts on Holidays
-Greedy as heck for charging a monthly network fee
-Red Ring of Death=Cheap company that tries to rip off on gamers (which also resulted in no refunds, buy new xboxs, and rebuy scratched games)
-Microsoft is still a moneywhore because credits expire
-Plays Blu-Ray! (But honestly, Ive never used that function)
-Makes their material from great stuff that lasts for decades
-Is the new born brother of the ps2
-Internet is free
-Great holiday Bundles if you want to buy a ps3
-GOD OF WAR!! FINAl FANTASY!! HEAVY RAIN!! (and LBP for some people)
-Slow start. Bunch of Problems
-Lesser choice of cool games
-Online community sucks. Very limited in what you can do with friends, and sending messages sometimes freezes the ps3
-PShome is a bitter joke
-Trophy system is terrible. A person with 16 plat trophies would be level 13, while a person with 5 plats would be 12. Small motive to collect trophies when youre a high rank
-Downloaded games and demos are "compressed files"
-Arcade games SUCK.
-Demos sometimes come out later than XBox (Crysis 2. Xbox had it for months. PS3 is still waiting and the games already out)
-Wait for years for the games on Xbox to make there way to PS3 (Mass Effect, Ninja Gaiden)
-Immature gamers
-System updates every friggin month. If you hadn't played in two months, updates take up to half an hour.
-Terrible Holiday discounts if you already own a ps3
-(A triple con) some PS3 downloadable games actually only sell you license. Aftera year, they make you rebuy the game or delete it.
-Play Station Move. A money whoring move. Requires a bundle of move wands, remote, cameras. Some games provide 3D. but that means a whole new TV set (2000), and Glasses (200 per pair)
That's all I can think of now. If you agree, disagree, or have something to add for either console, please tell me. Maybe I'm very wrong in judging, so please enlighten me by your thoughts.
It really disappoints me to see PS3 get beat up so badly by the XBOX. I loved the PS2, but if sony goes in the gutter, I'm gonna jump on board with Microsoft
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