one generation ago, this would be impossible to even consider..
personally i had more fun with the xbox then i did with the ps2 (and in following with this controversial opinion i think dues ex 2 is nearly as good as 1) but as a whole there was definatly a much bigger/better selection on the ps2, making it the easy go to if one had to make a choice...
today this is not the case. from a technical standpoint both machines are much closer in power then the ps2 and xbox were, and price aside both offer very comparative experiences. the differences in multiplats does exist but unless you really really care about having shadow come from a mike (re5) or that one texture in the corner of the map that you really have to search for to find its really not a big deal. exclusive wise both again are very close and it comes down to pure and simple taste (you know the games, im not going to list them).
making claims like the ps3 is >>>>>> x360 (or vica versa) makes you = bellend, being that whether or not you may like/dislike the experiences on another console, you cant deny that both offer great options and more then enough options to satisfy most people...
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