After researching both natal and PS3 motion controls coming out and watching multiple vids.. The PS3 motion controls definitley seem more practical and more made for Hardcore gamers.. I could totally see using the PS3 motion controls for shooters and action games especially like God of war 3.. Even though its motion controls its not something that will tire you out after 15 minutes of play unlike Natal which looks like a majority of the games will require full body movement..
I can see clearly how PS3 motion controls would work for shooters and adventure games but Natal just doesnt look like it would work whatsoever for shooters and more hardcore games.. And I also dont care for the idea of another add on to add to my clutter of electronics where my consoles are.. honestly the Natal attachment just seems kind of big and looks like it would take up good space. I say overall if your a Wii casual gamer then natal is for you.. if you want cool motion controls but want to stay true to more hardcore games then PS3 motion controls is where its at.
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