So PS3 fans whatever happened to gamerankings mattering huh? I agreed with you guys back in november about that, so why are you guys saying the you guys now have the best library?
Lets look at the numbers on gamerankings
Above 90 (Including games that got 89.5 or up)
360 - 12
PS3- 5
Exclusives above 90
360- 4 (and more if you count console exclusives)
PS3- 1 (MGS4)
Lets face it MGS4 is currently at 92.4. Its worse than Halo 3, Gears of War, our version of The Orange Box, Bioshock. I loved MGS3 my second favorite game of last gen, but the the critics have spoken, and although it still looks awesome, it sure isnt a godsend that is gonna give the PS3 an edge in the library.
EDIT: I think this will be a useful addition to the OP.
Cows when Uncharted, Ratchet And Clankand GT 5:p all get below average scores - 'Im not using lemmingspot for my scores, lets use Metacritic to get a more accurate measure of how good they really are'.
Cows when MGS 4 gets AAAA on GS, higher than the average score - 'Were on Gamespotso we have to use the Gamespot scores, take that lems !!!!!'
Lemmings when Uncharted get all below average scores - "We're on GS so we have to use GS scores, take that cows!"
Lems when MGS4 gets AAAA on GS - "But on metacritic it's not AAAA"
See how that works?
Uncharted was AA on metacritic anyway. Had it been AAA I would've accepted it as a AAA. Metacritic and GR equal law of the land for me, I can't take responsibility for every xbox360 owner. But thats irrelevant anyway, because its just a fact that GR will average all critics opinions and thats more important than any single critic.
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