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PS3 version is the way to go. I usually am not very good at FPS's, but I'm decent at Cod4 for PS3, so I doubt it's any harder to aim.OldSkoolGamer04Aiming is the same....both 360 and PS3...imo....but then again I'm not really a fan of the 360 controller....PC controls FTW anyday.
If you don't subscribe pay to play on X360 LIVE definetly get the PS3 version. No problems with the controls. Plays great on and offline.
ps3! free online! no lag
infinity ward said ps3 version is better (lighting) but they look the same to me
360 version. Voice communication is important to the teamwork, and almost everyone on XBL uses their headset.shaggygrosser
People use their headset on COD4 in the PS3 version as well. I've never had a problem with that on COD4.
[QUOTE="shaggygrosser"]360 version. Voice communication is important to the teamwork, and almost everyone on XBL uses their headset.EmperorSupreme
People use their headset on COD4 in the PS3 version as well. I've never had a problem with that on COD4.
I think what he means is the majority of people on psn don't have head sets.[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"][QUOTE="shaggygrosser"]360 version. Voice communication is important to the teamwork, and almost everyone on XBL uses their headset.carsales
People use their headset on COD4 in the PS3 version as well. I've never had a problem with that on COD4.
I think what he means is the majority of people on psn don't have head sets. says who? I rarely ever see anyone using the headset in Halo 3...and even COD4 (360) version users use it rarely. I own COD4 on the PS3 though...and rarely ever use the headset..[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"][QUOTE="shaggygrosser"]360 version. Voice communication is important to the teamwork, and almost everyone on XBL uses their headset.carsales
People use their headset on COD4 in the PS3 version as well. I've never had a problem with that on COD4.
I think what he means is the majority of people on psn don't have head sets.I don't believe that is true, but my perception might be wrong I usually play with friends online and we all have headsets. If you are on my friends list you have to have a headset, preferably a keyboard as well.[QUOTE="carsales"][QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"][QUOTE="shaggygrosser"]360 version. Voice communication is important to the teamwork, and almost everyone on XBL uses their headset.EmperorSupreme
People use their headset on COD4 in the PS3 version as well. I've never had a problem with that on COD4.
I think what he means is the majority of people on psn don't have head sets.I don't believe that is true, but my perception might be wrong I usually play with friends online and we all have headsets. If you are on my friends list you have to have a headset, preferably a keyboard as well.
You are correct. I play the hell out of Xbox Live on loads of games like Halo 3 and COD4, and 90% of the time everyone has a headset. Only a playtation fanboy would say otherwise. Funnily enough though, playing resistance and Motorstorm online, i dont run into many with a headset, but then i dont play that online as much.
As people have touched on, the headset does make the online experience better. Another thing is that from experience from playing my friends copy of COD4 on PS3, there were some framerate drops in the single player, something i have yet to experience in the 360 version, which i have beat twice, and am now going through again on veteran.
Heres a question though, does the PS3 version have the leaderboards like the 360 version?
That's what I'm saying. At least with the 360 Premium, I know that a headset is included (I'm not sure about the Arcade 360). I have more luck with teamwork if I'm able to communicate back and forth with my teammates. I've got more of a chance to do that on xbl because headsets are packed in.
Xbox live is better for COD4 bigger community more competition,90% of people have mics,and there isnt alot of lag
People kep saying PSN has no lag thats not true,Dedicated servers are prone to errors so its alot safer on thr xbox albeit at a price
You don't use the triggers on PS3, you use L1 to aim and R1 to shoot. The triggers are your grenades. It's oppisite 360s controls.
No From personal experience I like the PS3 version more...less lag. The graphics are pretty much the same in 1080...the only thing that I like better about the 360 version is that its easier to get online...PS3 takes a couple of tries for me...but once your in on the PS3 its a lagless...dropless experience all the way-D3MO-
explain how the ps3 has less lag than the 360 version of cod4 when they both use p2p?
[QUOTE="-D3MO-"]No From personal experience I like the PS3 version more...less lag. The graphics are pretty much the same in 1080...the only thing that I like better about the 360 version is that its easier to get online...PS3 takes a couple of tries for me...but once your in on the PS3 its a lagless...dropless experience all the wayistreakforfood
explain how the ps3 has less lag than the 360 version of cod4 when they both use p2p?
ps3 users use cable, dsl while xbox uses 56k or 28k connection
[QUOTE="OldSkoolGamer04"]PS3 version is the way to go. I usually am not very good at FPS's, but I'm decent at Cod4 for PS3, so I doubt it's any harder to aim.-D3MO-Aiming is the same....both 360 and PS3...imo....but then again I'm not really a fan of the 360 controller....PC controls FTW anyday.Only for FPS and RTS imo.
No From personal experience I like the PS3 version more...less lag. The graphics are pretty much the same in 1080...the only thing that I like better about the 360 version is that its easier to get online...PS3 takes a couple of tries for me...but once your in on the PS3 its a lagless...dropless experience all the way-D3MO-
Go watch the GT Comparisons again, the 360 clearly has the better AA, look at the car dash and the powerlines. 360 is definately the way to go, Ps3 version has had numerous online problems.
online matches on 360 own PS3... matchmaking is easier, friends lists, clan stuff... just awesome. Achievments are great. I can't imagine really buying any multiplat on PS3.
Completely agree. My god. I was so STUPID for buying PS3 version of UT3 and Orange Box and Rainbow Six. God. There is harld ANYONE on Orange Box. It's like trying to find a person in Gobi desert. UT3 is a little better and so is Rainbow Six, but god where are the people? Even though Warhawk didnt sell well, I can always find people to play on and that goes for Resistance as well, but the multi-plats online seems lacking on PSN.
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