I have a PS3 and a Wii. I just bought a 360 Pro today. While some of the exclusives are great, I find the 360 as a system quite lacking. First, of course is the online issue. But also, no one really talks about all the extra stuff you have to buy for the 360 that is packed with the PS3. It just blows my mind that Microsoft did not include wireless capability in any of their console version when it is included even in the Wii, PS3 and even the portable systems. To have to pay 100 bucks for the adapter is ridiculous. The charger is a minor issue, but it's still annoying that you have to buy either rechargeable batteries for the controller or the charger. Other minor annoyances include the fact that the system is loud--much louder than the PS3 and even the Wii.And then there's the general reliability of the console. I'm crossing my fingers that the console won't fail, but only time will tell. I don't have those worries with the PS3 and Wii.
Despite these complaints, I'm still qutie happy with the purchase. The 360 exclusives to me are worth the buy. I'm playing Gears of War right now and it's a pretty good game. But most of my hard-core gaming will still be on the PS3, especially games that appear on both systems. I still play the Wii (Secret of Mana, Mega Man 9, Zack and Wiki, Wii Fit, MKWii, Brawl and other Nintendo exclusives) surprisingly and am actually looking forward to future first party releases from Nintendo.
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