One of the most interesting thing about reading up on the gaming industry is to try to figure out the real reasons behind a company's actions. Time and time again, the game companies, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo deliberately try to mislead us gamers by saying things they themselves don't necessarily believe in.
Sony: 4D graphics, 120 frames per second. Microsoft: HD-DVD and the Red Ring of Death. Nintendo: We will wow you with Wii graphics.
So, I have always had a skeptical mind towards the gaming companies' words. To me, their actions speak much, much, much louder than their words. It is no different then when it comes to 3D. In particular, Microsoft says that the reasons why it doesn't invest in 3D games is because 3D is too expensive for gamers--who wants to pay thousands of dollars just to play a 3D game? To me, Microsoft isn't telling the whole truth.
If Microsoft had used the same reasoning, it would not have invested in HD graphics--who would want to spend more than a thousand dollar to play an HD game? The truth is, most people buy HD TVs for HD movies, HD TV programs, and HD games--not for just games alone. The same thing will happen with 3D TVs; people will buy them for 3D movies, 3D TV programs, and 3D games--not for for games alone. Microsoft is a smart company who knows quite well that 3D TV adoption will increase significantly over time. In fact, Ubisoft Expects 3DTV In Everyone's Home In Three Years. The point I am trying to make is it doesn't make sense for Microsoft not to fight against Sony now because Microsoft's inaction would give Sony too much of an advantage once 3D, like Blu-ray movies, become mainstream. So what is the real reason why Microsoft does not invest in 3D games?
In my opinion, the real reason why Microsoft does not invest in 3D games is because the PS3 is more powerful and the PS3 has Blu-ray. You see, 3D games require more processing power, so much so that resolution and framerates need to be reduced for 3D. Just google Wipeout HD vs. Wipeout 3D to see what I mean. To make 3D games, then, it would be pratical for devs to make TWO versions, the normal game and the 3D game, both of which takes up physical space. Unfortunately, Xbox 360 is a little less powerful than the PS3, according to developers who have given us graphics kings like Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, God of War 3, etc. Furthermore, Xbox 360's DVD lacks enough space for both versions on the same disk.
The lack of enough support for 3D on Xbox 360, therefore, is due to the limitation of Xbox 360's hardware, not to Microsoft complacency to allow Sony to eat all the 3D lunch.
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