Translation: Our imaginations are limited, as our brains are tiny at Square Enix.
Look, this isn't a PS3 bash, as far as I am concerned I hope the PS3 does well, gets good games etc. I may buy one in the future.
But this is a bash of some self-indulgent turd weasel with too much personal angst or some such thing. Do turds like this even think about what they are saying?
The PS3 is the machine closest to being able to express our imagination? What shlock. Or what a pitiful imagination. Take the PS3 and add a better GPU...would that be better to express his imagination? Who doesn't think that PS4 would be better than PS3. That next months Cell2 would be better than this months Cell. Does anyone not believe that high end PC gaming platforms are as good or better than the PS3? And if you don't think so, are you naive enough to believe that PCs won't surpass the PS3 in 6 months, or a year, or, etc.
So is this turds imagination limited to the next six months? Does he have too much personal creative angst keeping him up at night? Or should he simply head to the john to take a large dump? Wherein he might find his next brilliant statement to make.
Again, this post isn't aimed at Sony, or the PS3. It's aimed at aself indulgent turd. You can find them everywhere.
I don't think he's referring to the PC platform, where, really, just about anything is possible, and no one denies this. The thing is, Square Enix is simply a traditionally console developer....not only that, they're a traditionally Playstation (as of the last 6 or 7 iterations) developer.
So I don't even think PC crossed his mind. Get over it, dude. You've got a breadth of awesome games to love on the PC platform. Dark Crusade, Neverwinter Nights, Medieval Total War, the now discontinued Spore, Crysis, UT3, Red Orchestra, etcetera.
Plus, the reason he's probably interested in consoles above the PC platform probably has something to do with the standardized medium. A lot of PC games simply don't look as good as many console games ATM (now, if you're cranking it around an 8800, there's a different story, and, believe me, I still think CSS outdoes a HUGE number of console games, including Gears, at max settings, but....GTHD and Motorstorm leave me nothing but speechless) because they have to encompass that all-important low-end PC spectra for maximum sales.
Think UT3: they said that their graphics are being shaped around the capabilities of the Xbox 360. They said that's not necessarily a bad thing, because they have to consider low-end PCs. That's always a concern. Last time I checked, quad-cores are still $1000 friggin' dollars or more, and I just saw a PC advertised in my Game Informer for $6000. Admittedly a rip-off, but it's a step up from the $5000 PC I saw in Game Informer just a few months prior.
Still, for every UT3 there's a Crysis (which is still being optimized for low-end hardware...the only thing that's going to push hardware sales is A) just how phenomenally scaleable the game is and B) how shockingly unbelievable the game looks maxed. Similar story with Alan Wake, which is going to be AMAZING on a high-end PC. But scaleability is an art form, and no doubt pisses many developers off. Alan Wake, according to the devs, just would not be playable on a single core processor. Weak. Again, not bashing the medium, as I love games like Dark Crusade and Company of Heroes more than practically any console game, but I can see where the Square Enix guy is coming from.
What was he referring to? Specifically, he was probably referring to the standard hard drive and the Blu Ray drive. Think about it. Kojima is all over the Blu Ray drive, as are Insomniac, Naughty Dog, and Factor 5. The guys who love to push pixels and fill DVDs with content are screaming about it. (this isn't an issue with PC, but that's why I included what I said above) Of COURSE Square Enix would pick the PS3 over the 360! Steaming, caching, hard drive+Blu Ray drive is probably the Square Enix wet dream. They're going to be able to have worlds as detailed as they could possibly want, with as much content as they could possibly want, from sound to FMV to worlds to bosses to character models to textures....streaming, if they want, all of it, according to Naughty Dog.
Blu Ray and the HDD are mind expansion and imagination expansion tools, not inhibitors. Remember, Bioware had to concern themselves within the confines of a SINGLE DVD! Compression, compression, where art thou. Imagination doesn't have to deal with technological limitations. That's why people speak of the PS3 as if it's removing a burden off their shoulders, from the Little Big Planet devs to the Lair devs to the Naughty Dog devs.
Plus, I'm sure he sees the potential for greatness in the Cell, which has proven to be a spectacular tool.
Unless he wants to make another Blue Dragon...3 something DVDs...very nice. Not to say the game isn't attractive though, it's just kind of a friggin' pain.
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