PS3 would be a lot better if Americans started caring. I don't understand all the hate Americans have for the PS3. Is it national pride or what?! Sure can't be the price because the PS3 has always sold well in Europe where it costs like $699 in most countries.
So yeah, if only Americans cared...
The exact same can be applied to the 360 in Japan.
360 would be a lot better if the Japanese started caring. I don't understand all the hate the Japanese have for the PS3. Is it national pride or what?! Sure can't be the price because the 360 is less expensive.
So yeah, if only the Japanese cared...
The point is.... there are more factors involved when trying ot analyze the situation. Maybe it is regional or cultural. The Playstation brand has always been strong in the EU. It was also very strong in the US last gen. So what happened this time?
Part of me thinks that the US is a little more attuned to the culture of social gaming than other regions. The 360'd focus on the community seems to have really struck a nerve here and may account for the 360's continuing lead against the Playstation behemoth of a brand.
Couple that with the price difference and you have a formula for success. I honestly think MS knows its audience when it comes to North America. Sony is still riding the coattails of it's success with the PS2, but in the US, that attitude has worn off. In the meantime, the EU audience is stuck in the conventional mindset of console gaming.
Of course, this is all speculative, and I won't pretend to say that what I say is fact. Just my observation.
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