What do you think about it? Do you Think it is because of the new FFVII:AC bluray directors cut thingamabob? Or do you think japanese gamers are starting to like the ps3?
Personally I think that It is sony's format strategy manifesting itself again this time in bluray form. Japanese gamers love them some cloud strife so I wouldn't be surprised that when they start having friends over and they see tifas Bewbage in the churchfight scene, Japanese gamers will buy the ps3 just to watch the extended cut irregardless of whether they have Hi def sets or not.
Also Since sony is pretty desperate for sales at this point, I wouldn't be surprised If they made a couple of deals with film studios to provide ps3 exclusive bluray extras that you have to have a ps3 to acess the stuff on the disc. Honestly I wouldn't be surprsised if they didn't do this either.
Also It would be highly probable that sony will take this opportunity to realize "hey maybe we ought to try to appeal to people who like japanesey games"
Considering a lot of ps2 exclusives that became greatest hits titles were actually kinda japanese, say like dark cloud and FFX.
Also a Lot of SCEA games had japanese gameplay elements. for example god of war was actually called a castlevania lament of innocence clone by the press when it first came out.
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