The Ps3 was made with PC technology. And the PC, well how about that, is already stronger then the PS3. And in half a year, the PC will completely overshadow the PS3 in every single aspect when it comes to power. Like what it's already doing right now. Ultra-Alue
Like what it's doing right now? Please spare me the humor. Now I for one am looking forward to games like Crysis but if you think about it, this is what hermits are holding on to in defense. Other than your usual powerhouse RTS and MMO games, pc has done little to impress. I've heard "wait a half a year" many times. The same can be said about PS3 so don't get me wrong. This goes to show they will both improve twicefold and you know it.
Seen any footage of Littlebigplanet? That right there is evident enough to smoke 80-90% of pc games graphics planned for this year. Especially if you have a solid 1080p hdtv. 360 has improved with Gears and we all know it has plenty juice left. Made with same hardware as pc? Perhaps. But if you read about the cell you'll understand that it's argueable more important than the gpu. So what if you have an 8800gtx! You would need a premium quadcore to push that bad boy like it should. Then the problem is that you have to wait for the games to take advantage of this monsterous cpu! What's that like 2-3 years?
Like I said, I'm a pc gamer by heart but I totally feel ppl are underplaying Sony and just look at what's in front of them right this very second and too quick to judge. The devs are struggling with the cell and I'm loving every second of that! You know why? Remember PS2? When PS2 launched the games were beyond rubbish. They'd make you puke on an hdtv. But look at them now. Their acceptable, though not the greatest. PS2 has come a LONG way. The cell is capable of several times more improvement than last gen so if you really think PS3 isn't capable of fully rendering Crysis in a 1:1 ratio in a few years then you got something else comin' for ya.
Just be glad that the PS3 doesn't have an upgradable GPU. Because if it did.... it would sit alongside PC games for many, many years. Next gen maybe? One can dream.
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