To all PS3 supporters and fans I strongly believe that you should sign up this petition to make the PS3 better and skype is the answer:
Dear Sony:
As a loyal consumer to your great corporation and a big thanks for making great products throughout these years. I am requesting for Skype on the playstation 3 (is an excellent product by the way). It would further improve the PSN Network in allowing cross game chat, video cross game chat, creating parties with their friends, international and national calls from skype to skype users, cross invites via phone call (using any headset not the house phone), and able to show your buddies how to pass parts of the games if they are stuck using cross video chat. As you can see both new PS3 owners and current PS3 owners are heavily demanding this application:
All I need is your PSN ID or if you are planning to buy a PS3 your name and last name. This is not for me this is to make our system of choice in this case the PS3 better.:D
Sincerely: s45gr32 peace out
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