This argument is getting really old and its starting to annoy me that xbox 360 fanboys keep using this regardless of the simple fact that its BS. I own both consoles i love both consoles and i enjoy them equally but since when did an 8.0 or an 8.5 = a crap game? 360 fanboys say we are all hype because of 1 AAAA game but the fanboys fail to see that their own view on "great" games has changed just because the 360 had 3 quick AAA games since launch(hasnt had an exclusive AAA since). Every game within the range of 8.0 - 8.9 is crap and a flop especially if its on the PS3 system. (any 8.0+ on Sony console is apparently flop now)
The PS3 has "no games" bs should have died long ago. Games such as Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, MLB 08(best baseball sim available) , MGS4, Gran Turismo Prologue, Ratchet and Clank, Resistance, Tekken 5, Warhawk, while the system has many great looking games coming soon. Can they flop? I'm sure they can as i don't really judge my games off of reviews, but I'm sure GS might give a game like killzone 2 a 6. Does it affect my opinion on the game if i like it? No. I'm not here to say the PS3 has more great games then the 360 or less but that fanboy rant on no games should have DIED months ago... sorry about this pointless pissed off rant im just getting tired of reading this biased internet poop. :(
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